System Status
Maintenance / Wartungsarbeiten: Roaming - Partner-Platform Hubject

On 11.02.2025 between 06:30 and 10:30 CET, maintenance work will take place in the Hubject system. For this reason, there may be temporary disruptions to starting and stopping charging sessions via the Hubject platform during this period.

Am 11.02.2025 finden zwischen 06:30 und 10:30 Uhr MEZ im Hubject-System Wartungsarbeiten statt. Aus diesem Grund kann es in diesem Zeitraum zu vorübergehenden Beeinträchtigungen beim Starten und Stoppen von Ladevorgängen über die Hubject-Plattform kommen.

Past Incidents


No incidents reported


No incidents reported


No incidents reported


eCharge+ App Aktuelle Einschränkungen eCharge+ App / Current restrictions eCharge+ app

Zur Zeit werden in der eCharge+ App keine Ladepunkte angezeigt. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an dem Problem

No charging points are currently displayed in the eCharge+ app. We are working hard on the problem

  • Die Ladepunkte werden wieder angezeigt. Wir beobachten das Verhalten weiterhin.

    The charging points are displayed again. We are continuing to monitor the behaviour.

  • 14.01.2025

    No incidents reported


    No incidents reported


    No incidents reported

    Status Description
    Operational The component is working.
    Performance Issues The component is experiencing some slowness.
    Partial Outage The component may not be working for everybody or a special feature is not working.
    Major Outage The component is not working for anybody.

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